The Walking

I went out for a walk with my family. because everyone in our family wanted to lose weight. I was ahead of them because I walked faster than my family. Then suddenly it started to rain and I lost my family. Then I realized that I was under the rainbow and kept walking. A door appeared in front of me. I entered through the door. When I entered through this door, some of the characters I had always loved and watched suddenly appeared in front of me and they wanted me to follow them. I followed them and slowed down because I was tired. After that, I couldn’t find them again. Then it started to rain again and the sun came out. It was the same thing that happened before I walked through this door. I realized that I was under the rainbow just like before I entered there. I walked and a door appeared in front of me again, this door was gray and old, I shuddered, but a voice told me to enter, so I did. But this place was not what I expected. everywhere was so colorful and bright, I couldn’t even open my eyes from the brightness. There were children playing ball with each other on one side and children fighting with each other on the other. While I was looking at these children, a boy came from the corner and watched what was going on and went to the children playing ball. As far as I understand, this door I opened was not what I wanted. I did as I wanted. I thought that there should be special areas for children everywhere. I thought that I could make nice areas for adult people to have fun, and I thought that everyone could be happy in such a world. but that shimmering world suddenly turned into a dark moon. As you can see, I saw that I was making a world where too much of anything could be harmful, and I understood everything. I left everything in this process, people should understand and solve their own problems.

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