As I woke up, I quickly opened the curtains. The weather was nice and it was going to be a good day. After the breakfast, I packed up for school. When my bus arrived, I quickly hopped in and started to chat with my friends. One of my friends told me that I had been smelling bad. I forgot to shower yesterday. I was going to tell him that I fell while trying to catch the bus but I didn’t have the ability to lie. So I told the truth. I was embaressed.

Our first lesson started. Oh no! I forgot to bring my book! I was so nervous. When it was my turn, I had to tell the truth. Everyone started to laugh at me because I was the only one who didn’t do the homework in the class. The lunch time came and we went to the dining hall to get our food. A bully forced me to give my lunch money to him. I couldn’t tell that I didn’t have any money because I couldn’t lie! I gave him the money and I couldn’t buy lunch. It was a horrible day. But maybe tomorrow will be a better one!

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