The Time Machine

Once upon a time, there was a famous scientist named Liam. Liam had invented many different devices, so I guess we could call him an inventor too. Liam’s biggest dream was to invent a time machine. He spent endless days and nights in the lab, but he couldn’t make his dream come true—until that day.

One day, while Liam was working in the lab as usual, he accidentally connected the wrong wires. In an instant, he found himself in the middle of an old town. He was shocked—everyone was dressed like they were from the 1800s. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Everyone was staring at him with judgment in their eyes because of the strange machine next to him and his modern clothes. He asked a passerby for the date and received the answer: 1875. He was overjoyed that he had made his dream come true, even though it was an accident. But it didn’t matter to him—he was the first person to travel through time!

He knocked on the door of a random house, and an old lady answered. She asked, “How may I help you, young man?” Liam replied, “Do you have any extra cables?” The old lady responded, “Is it for the strange metal thing next to you?” Liam nodded. The old lady invited him inside and said, “They’re in my son Alexander’s room downstairs. You can take as many as you need—it’s not like he uses them for anything useful.” Liam went downstairs, grabbed the cables he needed to get back home, then fixed the time machine. After thanking the old lady, he returned to his time.

Once back in his lab, he wanted to check the date to make sure he had returned to the correct time, but he couldn’t find his phone. He went to the living room, but the television wasn’t there either. That’s when he realized what had happened—the house he had entered was Alexander Graham Bell’s, and it was the night Bell was about to invent the telephone. Liam had unintentionally ruined everything! Since the phone wasn’t invented, television and computers weren’t invented either, and it could take another hundred years for someone to invent the phone. He was deeply sorry—his tears could have filled a pool. It was the worst decision he had ever made, and he never told anyone about it because it was his biggest regret.

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