Akira was walking in an empty street staring at the ground. Then he heard footsteps in front of him. He looked up to see what was happening. There was nothing. He thought “It turns out that my mind was playing tricks on me. He ignored the past few moments. Then a sound caught his ear. A little boy was calling his name. “Akira, Come here!” Akira was curious. He went to the source of the sound. There was nothing. Then a barrel fell from the top of a building. Akira got so scared that he started to run like crazy. He could still hear the voice of the little kid calling his name. Akira closed his ears with his hands. Even though he closed his ears, he could still hear that sound that was calling him. He closed his ears harder. He closed them so hard that he couldn’t hear his gasps for air or his own footsteps. He got into his house and the sounds stopped the second he stepped into the house. After he slammed the door shut, he collapsed to the floor. He wiped his tears off and his vision started getting blurry. Then he lay down on the floor and started to stare at the window that is right in front of the door. He saw a silhouette of a little boy. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t even move. All he could do was look at the creepy silhouette. After a single blink, the little boy was gone. And he started searching for the silhouette. Then two white dots were visible in the bathroom. Then a wide grin completed an image of a smiling “thing” that has razor-sharp teeth. Akira could hear each breath of the thing. The thing made a sound that sounded like growling when he exhaled air. Akira had the courage to run to his room in an instant. He closed the door and called the cops. The cops were not able to find it anywhere so they left. After the night that Akira kept himself awake with terror, he fell asleep moments before the sunrise. In his dream, he saw a little boy that looked like his brother. That dream was a dream that was full of nothing but joy. After waking up, he realized that actually, his brother’s sound was perfectly the same as the thing. Akira was walking in an empty street staring at the ground. Then he heard footsteps in front of him. He looked up to see what was happening. There was nothing. He thought “It turns out that my mind was playing tricks on me. He ignored the past few moments. Then a sound caught his ear. A little boy was calling his name. “Akira, Come here!” Akira was curious. He went to the source of the sound. There was nothing. Then a barrel fell from the top of a building. Akira got so scared that he started to run like crazy. He could still hear the voice of the little kid calling his name. Akira closed his ears with his hands. Even though he closed his ears, he could still hear that sound that was calling him. He closed his ears harder. He closed them so hard that he couldn’t hear his gasps fora ir or his own footsteps. He got into his house and the sounds stopped the second he stepped into the house. After he slammed the door shut, he collapsed to the floor. He wiped his tears off and his vision started getting blurry. Then he lay down on the floor and started to stare at the window that is right in front of the door. He saw a silhouette of a little boy. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t even move. All he could do was look at the creepy silhouette. After a single blink, the little boy was gone. And he started searching for the silhouette. Then two white dots were visible in the bathroom. Then a wide grin completed an image
of a smiling “thing” that has razor-sharp teeth. Akira could hear each breath of the thing. The thing made a sound that sounded like growling when he exhaled air. Akira had the courage to run to his room in an instant. He closed the door and called the cops. The cops were not able to find it anywhere so they left. After the night that Akira kept himself awake with terror, he fell asleep moments before the sunrise. In his dream, he saw a little boy that looked like his brother. That dream was a dream that was full of nothing but joy. After waking up, he realized that actually, his brother’s sound was perfectly the same as the thing.

The Thing
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