The slavment of safeness

Everythıng started of wıth the development of the human brain. First, it was just trynna eat the fısh and throw away the useless part, then eatıng the fısh and makıng the bones lıke necklace to look dıfferent from people that were ın the other than their tribes. After some time consideration and development of the brain, people stopped playıng wıth fısh or their bones and wanted ımagıne somethıng to feel safer ın their tribe. Somethıng that ıs supreme, more developed and not easy to reach. Maybe a god can be ideal but people on the other sides of the tribe won’t feel the safeness ı have with the god I created. How can that be possible? How can people not be satisfied wıth somethıng that ıs powerful, strong and perfect?

That’s when the actual development and questıonıng begın wıth the word “how”.When people started to dıssagree on other beliefs or religions, people started bıg massacres that no one could have ımagıne. Even the holocaust ın that Hıtler did had some reasons about beliefs. Every day new beliefs are being created by humans. Some beliefs are strict as if it wants to imprison us non-stop pray for belief. None of any beliefs has any proof nor are the religions, so making a life by just obeyıng the rules that only humans made is not a freedom of our mind. Beliefs are all about the subconscious of the human brain. Everything is set by the brain. In order to make our lives freer,ı can totally suggest to not believe what popular beliefs are defending. Because popular beliefs nowadays aren’t quite focusing on the ideology they are believing. they defend something that will take human’s attention because the generation that we have right now ısisn’t researchıng as hard as it used to. The reason ıs that there is a factor lıke ınternet. They questıon, but they don’t research or when they research, they believe the first that pops on the screen. That’s the weakness ın today’s society. People don’t follow somethıng as hard as the previous generatıons. They only support the ideology that they thınk it’s right whıch it’s natural but the scary part is that no one is questioning where is the source to the person they think is right. The whole point of what I was sayıng is people don’t believe in the ideology, they believe everythıng that the person who is defending their idea. Because modern and intelligent people can make a talk and make people believe what they say. A solid example is Adolf Hitler. Hitler used to take pictures of his own speech rehearsals to fınd a hand movement or hıs stance. The ideology of Adolf Hitler was enslavıng people but at his own time, the majority of people were agreeing on fascism.

The thing is people like Adolf Hitler is not makıng convince but manıpulate to their own mınd. The unquestıonıng of the Nazi movement was a mistake that is done by people under Adolf Hitler’s dominance. But history isn’t for detraction,ıt’s to take lessons. Questioning of every knowledge is the key for everyhtıng in today’s society because even over 70 years ago, People were as selfish as to kill 2/3 of the populatıon of a belief.

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