The Silent Heartbeat

One morning, people woke up and immediately noticed something was missing. They looked into the mirror but felt no trace of the usual emotions—no love, anger, or hope. All the emotional connections they once shared with others had vanished. Instead, there was only a deep emptiness. No one cared for anyone else or felt any strong emotions. The bonds that once tied them together were gone.

Society quickly shifted. People no longer greeted each other with a warm “good morning”; instead, it was just a casual “hello.” Simple questions like “How are you?” had lost their meaning. Everyone became focused solely on themselves, indifferent to the lives and feelings of others. Society became a collection of individuals, each isolated from the rest.

In schools, teachers taught without kindness or concern, and students couldn’t connect with their lessons. School had become a place to simply pass the time, devoid of any real purpose or passion.

At work, people performed their tasks only for the paycheck, without pride or the spirit of collaboration. There was no sense of accomplishment, only a routine to get through.

At home, families no longer shared love or care. Parents no longer nurtured their children, and children didn’t feel safe. Time spent together lost its value, as emotional connections had disappeared.

That day, nothing seemed to matter. Life felt hollow, and without emotions, it had lost its meaning.

Bennu Uçar 7/A

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