Once upon a time, there was a boy named Kerem. Kerem was a very adventurous boy. He often spent his time believing in legends and trying to find them, but his mother and father did not like this because they thought Kerem would believe in this nonsense and fail. That’s why Kerem had been trying to prove them wrong since he was 7 years old. He was trying, but unfortunately, he still could not achieve this success, and Kerem was 12 years old now.

Years passed, but Kerem still did not give up, and now Kerem was 20 years old. Everyone around him gave up hope on him and treated him as crazy, but finally, that day came, the day Kerem had always awaited. He got ready and went out to make a discovery. At that moment, a voice inside Kerem said, “Why do I always look for my discovery outside?” He went to the basement, the most deserted place in the house, and when he went to the basement, what did he see? Kerem saw a chest. In the chest in the basement of Kerem’s house, there were secrets of Kerem’s family. This secret said, “Kerem, you won our hearts, just leave these things aside, we are all worried about you.” When Kerem saw this note, his heart started to beat rapidly, and before Kerem could feel this joy, he had a heartbreak. Kerem’s family, who learned about this situation, blamed themselves for Kerem’s death, and they never forgave themselves…

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