The Se7en Review

Se7en is a dark and intense thriller directed by David Fincher. The story follows two detectives, Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Mills (Brad Pitt), as they try to catch a serial killer who commits murders based on the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy, and wrath. As the detectives get closer to finding the killer, the story takes unexpected turns and ends with a shocking twist.

Morgan Freeman is great as the calm and thoughtful Detective Somerset, while Brad Pitt plays the younger, more impatient Detective Mills. The two actors work well together, and their different personalities add to the tension in the movie. Kevin Spacey, as the killer, is both frightening and believable, even though he doesn’t appear much in the film.

The movie’s dark cinematography adds to its unsettling atmosphere. The frequent rain, dim lighting, and shadowy scenes make the city feel grim and hopeless. Fincher’s direction builds suspense and keeps the audience guessing until the very end.

In my opinion, Se7en is an excellent film with strong acting and a well-crafted story. It is disturbing and may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy psychological thrillers, it’s definitely worth watching. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes movies with deep, intense plots and unexpected endings.

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