First of all, the school would start at 11:30 because it is so hard to get up early in the morning. Next, I would make the break time 15 minutes and the lessons 35 minutes long. It would be fun to have longer break times than lessons, but we go to school to get an education, not just to have fun. Teachers would allow us to use our mobile phones during break times, but not during lessons. We would have mock exams and normal exams, but teachers would inform us a long time beforehand (like a month). There would be parties and fun activities every week. Teachers would allow us to go outside or play games when we are ahead of the curriculum. We would have a textbook for each class, so we wouldn’t have to write any notes in our notebooks. We would have amazing school dinners. The canteen would be so cheap and would have tons of options. We would leave school at 17:20. And finally, we would have homework, but it would be very minimal, like 1 to 2 pages.

The School Of My Dreams
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