The Right Wish

   Everybody wishes for a lot of money and fame, right? Being rich and famous is the first wish of many people. Some people might like the idea of being famous but when we think about it deeply it may not be as good as we dream of. So, when we dream for something first, we need to think, what are the advantages and disadvantages? 

   Even though being rich looks cool it has some disadvantages as well. First being rich means being famous as well and being famous is not that great when we think about it. Being famous basically means no privacy, think that your famous and you want to eat outside. When people start to notice you outside, they will start to disturb you because they want to meet you, they want to take a photo with you. Some people might like attention so they would think like “I like people interacting with me it’s not a problem.” but actually it’s just not about getting disturbed outside, people will always talk about you, you will be on the news sometimes, they will talk about who you love, hate all your private stuff will be revealed. Just being rich might sound good but being rich brings fame so we need to think about both sides. 

   Being rich is not just bad, it has a lot of positive sides as well. Although your social life will be revealed, it doesn’t mean that you will not have any social life, it will be hard keep it private though. Having a lot of money is always a good thing, buying whatever you want is everybody’s dream, isn’t it? Being famous isn’t just bad as well. Some people actually like being active on social media, being talked in social media. Even though I like to keep my personal life to myself there are some people that likes being famous. 

   As a conclusion there are some people who likes both money and fame and some people just like money. Personally, I don’t like being famous I would just want to be rich but not famous. We need to think about our wishes, what we like and what we don’t like. When you ask someone if he wants to be rich and famous nearly everybody would say yes but actually being rich and famous could have some downsides as well, we need to think seriously about what we wish for. 

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