December 23rd, the windows are all misty, i cannot comprehend a thing going on in the outer world as if i had been locked up in my flat for so long to the point where i’ve gone crazy and couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t remember anything, couldn’t even find a response to the simplest questions such as, “who am i?” , “where was i born?” etc. But i did know that i had also forgotten something really essential to me as well. “I have to remember it!” I mumbled to myself in a hoarse tone, then i got up to go sit in the couch, as i was moving towards the couch and sudden headache hit me and made me fall on my knees, it was so painful that i couldn’t even think of anything, all i could do was to pull my legs to my stomach and tuck my head in between. After a while of this painful moment it was finally it. It was finished but my heart was already sank in my stomach because i was so scared. I kept on sitting there with my eyes wide open glancing at the old dusty rug that was just a few steps ahead of me. And i finally remembered! The purpose of my life, it was to find an answer to the question “What is the purpose of life?” I got up in excitement with tears of joy gliding down my red cheeks. But then i woke up and remembered that it was all a dream and that i would never be able to find an answer to the question while saying to myself “don’t you dare take another step to find an answer to the question!”.

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