I stept on the wooden quay at the same time I turned my head to look at the unlimited ocean. The sun was setting and the reflection of the sun mixed with the deep blue ocean. It was such a fascinating view that I couldn’t talk for a few seconds. A big wide smile appeared on my face, when I saw a bird flock flying front of me it was so beautiful that involuntarily, I picked my camera and took a picture of the amazing view, it was an amazing timing maybe the birds wanted me to take a picture of them so I could never forget about this moment. I felt stunned by the enviroment that I stayed there for few more minutes and enjoyed the view. When I finished I started walking to the end of the quay, while I was walking I closed my eyes and listened to the oceans magical song that always filled my heart with hope and joy. I continued walking while watching the people walking, some of them was walking really fast like they had somewhere to catch up on. Some of them was like me walking slowly and enjoying the sound of the ocean, taking a moment to look up and acually live the moment, some of them were reading an romance book that they always wanted to live in, some of them were listening to music that express their feelings. I saw cats and dogs playing, running together, it was like they got the best news and now they were celebrating. Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, in that moment I realized that it was started to getting dark and I was standing there for hours. I turned araound but I saw nothing. Finally I came to the end of the quay and now there was no sunset but millions of stars that was shining like diamonds. I thought about how many people in the world can possibly be in the exeact same situation as me, created one of the best memorys, listening to oceans song, watching the stars and sitting on the magical mysterious quay.

The quay
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