Lily was a very honest girl. He never lied to anyone and always told the truth. He even once admitted that there were a group of students cheating in his teacher's class, and thanks to this honesty, he became the top student of the school. Lily was also known as the "nerd". He was always successful in his studies, and his honesty earned him the appreciation of his teachers. However, since he was an introvert, he did not have many friends and was constantly bullied. One day, he saw Jessie, the head of the popular girls, and her friends drinking alcohol in the toilet and was shocked. Seeing him staring at them with meaningless eyes, Jessie said, "What is it, why are you looking here? What's it to you, there is no grass!" said. "Yes, there's no grass, but there's all that dirt," Lily replied bravely. Jessie understood Lily's intention and said, "Oh, are you going to tell Mr. Willy about me? Try it, you dirty nerd, it won't end well for you if you stoop to it! Come on, get out now!" He dismissed Lily. Lily was faced with a huge dilemma, but ultimately decided to do the right thing. He shared what happened to Mr. Willy and was relieved. However, this would bring bad things to Lily. In the following days, Jessie's boyfriend, David, cornered Lily and threatened her into telling lies. The whole class started bullying Lily. One day, Miss Sue, the Maths teacher, noticed the situation and took Lily aside and asked her to explain everything. Learning about the events, Mr. Willy expelled Jessie, his friends and David from school and imposed disciplinary punishment on the entire class. Lily realized once again that honesty always leads to the right path.
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