The Polar Bear

”Lisa, are you ready?”

Oh, it’s my mom. Today we are going to my Uncle Joel’s small log cabin for the holiday. It snows very much there in Norway. But, I don’t really like that place. In fact, I hate it. It ALWAYS smells like raw fish and rotten eggs. But, do my parents care? Of course not! We go there every holiday for a week.

Anyways, we finally started our journey to the log cabin. After a couple of hours of driving, we were finally there. Uncle Joel and his wife, Aunt Hannah, greeted us. That smell greeted me too, but today, there was another smell. ”Auntie, what did you cook for dinner today?” My aunt replied, ”Oh, you are going to be surprised, Lisa!” rushing into the kitchen. I opened the first pot I saw, and I was shocked to see the mushroom stew. ”But auntie, you never cook mushrooms in your house!” I said. ”I made it for you,” she replied to me. After this conversation, we all had a nice dinner.

The next morning, I decided to wander around the log cabin for a bit. When I was getting my coat, Uncle Joel called me to the living room. ”Where are you going?” he asked me. I replied, ”I was going out to wander around, uncle.” ”Oh Lisa, just be careful, please. If I were you, I wouldn’t go out today. This winter there are a bunch of polar bears roaming around,” he said. ”Polar bears?” I asked again. I was thrilled to see them, so I didn’t listen much and rushed out.

The garden was cold and windy. My face and my hands were freezing every minute. But I didn’t mind that. Those two words were in my mind: polar bears. I was so excited to see them. Then, a gust of wind licked my face, and there I saw it: a polar bear.

It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I was so shocked and excited at the same time. I rushed home with joy and excitement. I couldn’t wait to tell my friends about it.

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