The Picture On The Wall

Hello. I’m that picture on the wall. My owner’s house is a very interesting place. He starts the day off by exercising. When he is done, he goes to have breakfast. I don’t know what he eats, but he eats well. After that, he goes off to clean his collection of katanas.



He has a variety of cool, performance, heavy, and light katanas.

After he has cleaned the katana he chose for the day, he goes to practice with it. He has a lot of cutting boards to practice from. After he is done his practice, he goes to exercise again. After he is exercised, he goes off to train martial arts. He skips lunch. He goes to his room where I can’t see him. He seems to read books when he is gone. But after that, he goes to rest for the day.

This is what I see when he is on weekends.

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