The Phone Call

Hi guys, this week I went to the bazaar and bought some books. I want to mention that I’m a book lover, so when I get a new book, I start reading it right away. That day, when I finished reading all the books, I went to my room. While I was getting ready to sleep, I noticed a mystery book.

I couldn’t sleep, so I went to my bookcase and grabbed the book. Then, I started reading it in the middle of the night. It was a really long book—999 pages—but I reached the last page by the next evening. However, on the 120th page, I discovered a handwritten phone number. When I finished reading, I remembered and said to my mom, “Mom, can I call the phone number in the book?” and she said, “Yes,” so I called that number, but there was no answer. Then I went to sleep with the book.

The next day, I received a phone call. When I saw the number, I realized it was the same number I called yesterday. I answered the phone, and I heard the man saying, “I know you, I know everything about you, I am going to find you.” I was really afraid. I called my mom and told her everything about this.

Two days later, my dad and my uncle returned from a long journey, and they said, “Did you like our joke?” I was shocked. They explained to me that my dad had to change his phone number. Then my mom, dad, and uncle decided to play a joke on me. I laughed at myself. I should have realized the voice was similar to my dad’s. I’ve shared my funny week; now, tell me about yours too.

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