The Perfect City

In today’s world there are 208 countries. In every country there are cities and, in the world, there are 2.469.501 cities! However, nothing of them is perfect. There is pollution, illnesses, job problems, etc. How can we find the perfect city?

The perfect city needs some nice people. For example, they mustn’t throw trash to nature. This city needs some modern buildings, hospitals, hotels, etc. In this city streets are clean and there are less dogs than Turkey’s streets.

This city has a football team and they are the best in their country. They have a stadium which 60.000 people can watch the match in there. People are sportive and fit. Everyone has a gym membership.

This city loves children, animals and elder people. They are very polite and always smiles. Welfare and happiness are very high rated, and this city is ranking 1st in these. So, there aren’t any thieves and murderers.

This city people respect others religion, political wave and nation. There isn’t any racism case in this city. There are no crimes so there are no lawyers in this city. But the best lawyers of the country grow in here.

The best university of the world is in here. So, education in here is the best in the world. Literacy rate is very high and people reads book in the center of this city every Sunday.

This city has museums loads of historical things. They know their history and they protect it. There are historical mosques and cathedrals. They have statues of the founder of the country and everyone respect him.

This city doesn’t have any refugee so tradition of this city is protected like this. Because there is no refugee’s economy is stable.

Economy of this country is very good. They are exporting so many things to the world. This city has the best ports in the country.

Beaches are very clean and sea is clear. Every summer tourists come here and swim. Hotels aren’t expensive they are affordable so tourists come here.

Think about it is it possible to build a city like this. No, because there are not any people to make his thing.

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