The One That Can’t Control Time Will Be Controlled By Time

Last year Zara was a competitive and genius girl. She participated, listened and got good scores from all her lessons. But at the summer break she forgot her lessons and couldn’t control the time. She slept late, she did not do her homework and the worst thing is she didn’t studied any lessons because of playing video games.

Time past by fast and it was already the first day of school. Zara was very exited because she was going to start to middle school. She was so happy,playing with her friends, until she realized that she didn’t done any of her homework. Because it was the first day of school the teacher didn’t got angry. So Zara thought that not doing her homework was not a bad thing at all.

Weeks past by, Life was easy for Zara because she didn’t have to control time. She was doing all her homework last day and didn’t had time to finish it.The teachers started to get angry to Zara, they talked about it with  Zara’s mom.  Her mom got so angry  to her and told her to do all her homeworks at time.

Zara understood what she has done. She was trying to be good at all her lessons. She didn’t had a plan because she tought that “Last year ı was very good at my lessons without a plan.”. Every day as soon as she came home she was going to the garden with her friends. She was coming home late and then starting to do her homework. She couldn’t even finish the homework at that time. If she finished her homework she needed to study. She forgot to control time so all her responcibilities were making her life harder.

That explains that “The one that can’t control time, will be controlled by time.”


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