The Next Part of Life: Adulthood

The part of our life called adulthood is full of surprises. One day you may experience the excitement of being on your own now, and the other day you may experience the fear of being on your own. At a certain point in our lives, we will start living by ourselves and have our own homes. And I’m sure everyone has dreamed of and planned their own house since we were little, just like me. Now I’m taking you inside my thoughts.

First of all, I have been a city-loving person since I was little, so small places and villages are not suitable for me, so I am sure that I will live in the city. In addition, I am more interested in living in the capital or known cities. I see it as an advantage to live in a place where I can get what I want when I want. When you live in big cities, a lot of different opportunities can be opened at the same time, a new job is like a new hobby. Also, when you live in the city, you can meet new people everywhere you go, and you will see different people. It is very difficult to do this in small places, because usually everyone knows each other, and the people who live there are also few. The next reason is the transportation system. As you know, there are many transportation systems such as buses and subways in most cities. Having such options ensures that those who do not own a car can go somewhere comfortably and it is more designed from an environmental point of view because it is a public transport vehicle. From a business point of view, as I said, living in the city offers more job opportunities. In addition, when we compare with the villages, it becomes more advantageous than the amount of income. You can also go out whenever you want, participate in various activities with your friends, and even taste dishes from different cultures.

If we consider the cons, there are different negativities behind the advantages. For example, despite the possibility of high salaries, living standards in cities cost a higher price, and you need to spend more money for various reasons. Although there are various activities in the city, this may or may not even cause a crowd and maybe negative emotions. I can’t push myself to think so much about negativity, because no matter where we live, there will always be some cons.

To summarize, as a person who has been living in the city since I was born, I am planning to establish a life in the city in my adult life as well. Both when I consider my likes, and wishes and when I look at the possibilities, I think that this is the most logical and suitable option for me.

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