The Mystery

Space is a big mystery for humanity. Even though people started searching space a long time ago, we still don’t have lots of information about space. We have developed technology; we can travel wherever we want, or we can easily talk to people around the world, but we didn’t even explore %95 of the oceans in the world. Most of the scientists say we even know mars better than the oceans when we looked at it from this perspective, we are not bad as we thought. but what people wondering is it worth spending lots of money and time on space?


We know that we have big problems in the world such as starvation, global warming, lack of water, etc. most people think that, if governments focused on these problems as much as space, we already solved most of them. They might be right, but I don’t think the problem is space here. We still have a chance to do that. we always had but they don’t give enough attention to the world. We need to learn space and other things around the universe that we don’t know but it is not mean we should leave the world like this.


If you ask me the purpose of this space research is to learn is there any probability of living on a planet except the world. The idea of it is not bad because we in case we need to know it for the future generation. We also need to solve the problems that most people struggling with right now. We are in 2022 and we have enough technology for nearly everything but not a solution for starvation? These people just dying because of the selfishness of governments


I don’t support the idea of stopping researching space. We also need it. But we also need to solve the world’s problems l think we can work on both. The world’s problems are easy to solve if we want to do it. Space is a big mystery to understand all of it will take a very long time. By this time, we can focus on the world to make it a better place. As a result, we should spend same afford both and must think about the future. If we can be successful on this, l believe it can be the best decision for the world. I hope one day these problems would be solved and we can only focus space and more of it.

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