The Mysterious Village

Once upon a time, there was a village. It’s name was forgotten. This village wasn’t known like any village in the world… It was so old that everyone was afraid to see. One day, a girl decided to be brave and walked there and noticed that the village didn’t exist she brought a stick to be safe from people. It looks like a very dirty village. But then this little girl went in there, the animals lived in the village, and fairies, realized that she was a good person and kind and could change the situation of the village which only that little girl could see and other people can not see… The girl loved this place so much and she never wanted to leave because everything here was just like her little girl’s dreams. Everyone lived happily, there were beautiful houses and flowers and huge waterfalls, rivers and lakes, and animals. The girl talked to the fairies there and asked why they were hiding this place from people and got the following answer: “We are hiding this place from people because people learn about this place, it won’t be the same, the animals are happy, the waterfalls, the lakes, the rivers are clean, in short, this will not be a happy place.” The girl said she had to go now because her mother might worry about her. After the girl left there, she promised not to tell anyone about this place…

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