The Mysterious Golden Door

Every morning, he would walk the same road to school, but this morning, everything was different. A shiny, golden door suddenly appeared next to him, inviting him to another world.

There was a golden key lying on the ground beside the door. He guessed that the golden key would open the door. He picked up the beautiful golden key and opened the door. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The door opened into a room, and inside the room was a vast maze. He thought he had to go through the maze, but he didn’t understand why. It seemed like it would be easy to get through. He entered the room and closed the golden door behind him, only to see the door disappear. With his only way out now gone, he began to panic. He tried to get through the maze as quickly as possible, but navigating it was much harder than he had anticipated.

Although hours passed and he grew tired, he didn’t give up and eventually reached the end of the maze. At the maze’s exit, there was another shiny, golden door. He looked around, expecting to find a key, but instead, he found a golden chest. He tried to open the chest, but it was locked. When he couldn’t find a key, he decided to break the chest open. Inside, he found a key to the golden door and a map. He studied the map, realizing it depicted the maze he had just traversed. Not wanting to waste any more time, he took the map with him and opened the door. The door led him back to the road he’d been walking on his way to school. Though he was aware that he’d spent a long time inside the maze, once he was outside, it felt as if no time had passed. He asked a passerby for the time and discovered that, indeed, no time had passed.

He reached into his pocket to check the map, but he couldn’t find it. He found no trace of the strange events he had just experienced. Finally, he convinced himself that there was no maze or golden doors and continued on his way—unaware of what he might encounter next.

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