The Muse: Atatürk

27th December 1923… I saw… Veteran Marshal Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was there greeting his people from the deep blue. He weared a suit which was as black as a coal. He had a cute smile on his face. He seemed like he was happy with this situation and he really was. I have never seen him like this before. I was a young soldier that fought in the independence war. He was always taking his job serious and he never had a tolerance to someone who does not take their job serious.


That day I saw a different commander. He had a sweet excitement which was making him happy. I was about to lose my mind. Then someone said “Hey! I am glad to see you here.” I was shocked. I said “Thank you sir, I am glad to see you here too.” He said “Seems like you got some weights after the war huh?” We both laughed then I got to my seat.


After a while Atatürk came and asked if he can sit or not. I said “Of course you can, don’t hasitate please.” He thanked to me. After that, we started talking. He asked me regular things. He treated me like a friend. We were drinking our raki. We were making joke and laughing at the same time. Then I asked a thing that I really wondered about. I asked that what was the factor affected him to start the Turkish Independence War. He told me that “I really love my nation and I am always ready to give my life for my country and nation. As you can understand I would do everything for my country.”

That time I understood why he started this war. Because he can’t live without independence and he believes that Turk nation can’t aswell. After that t

alk he changed my perspective. I promised to myself “I have to be like Atatürk. No matter what!” I tried to do everything for my country. For example, if I have to wo

rk for many hours, I remember I do this for my nation and for my country to grow. After 15 big years Atatürk died sadly. We losed a hero, a genius. I promised to him that I will be against anything that threatens my country or my nation.

I participated at 27 May Coup, in Cyprus Peace Operation, in any military operation you can believe. Now I am 80 years old and if I could I would join more military operation.  I am sorry Atatürk, I couldn’t keep my promise.

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