The Moral Of The Story

Dear Anna,

I hope you’re doing good. I know we are writing each other once a week, but you need to hear about the craziest dream I’ve ever had. I’m writing this five minutes after I wake up, just in case to remember all the details. Because I do not think my brain can handle the things going around later.

So, the dream starts ordinary, nothing different than my other dreams. You know, meaningless roads, houses all over my view, and I was having coffee with my ex boyfriend. And then, the Alaaddin and his magic lamp showed up. I said to myself  “Yeah, sure. Why not?” and waited for him to ask me his famous quote. But he didn’t. I should have guessed something was off when his color was pinkish-orange, not blue. He sat, and ordered some food, did not talk untill his meal arrived, then took a bite from his quesadilla and finally said something.

“Alright love, let’s do this. Ask whatever you want from me, you can do three, and you have a minute and a half, and it started when I said my first word. Go!”

Of course my Alaaddin was going to be careless, lunatic, british, humorous, and pink. So very unpredictable of me. Now I don’t, but then, I took this very seriously. At least I had my answer since kindergarten, so I didn’t have to think.

“I want infinity wishes.” I said.

He looked like he was not taking me seriously, which made my blood boil.

“You can’t do that.”

“Oh I definitely can.”


“If you can come here, order food, set time for the job you do, and call me love, I can do whatever I want.

“Good point.”

As I remember, I was so proud of myself.

Then I thinked, what was I going to do with infinity wishes? Healing global issues, ending war and hunger… There was so many things to think of. But even it was a dream, deep down I knew none of this was going to happen, and I was bored, so I asked him if he is real or not. I thought my dream was going to glitch and then I was going to wake up, but it didn’t happen. And he looked a little bit sad actually. He didn’t answer, but I figured he was a part of my mind, and that it could be fun to chat with myself. Then we talked for hours, I don’t remember what the topic was. When I felt like that was the end of my dream, I asked him again if he was real or not, and if this is only happening inside my head. And he answered: Of course this is only happening inside your head. But this doesn’t mean that it is not real. Then I woke up in sweat, not because of the intensity of the dream, it was really hot outside.

So basically, the moral of the story is that I should see a therapist. Well, my surroundings were strongly suggesting me that for the past couple months, but I didn’t took them seriously, I do now. I’m gonna go and grab some coffee. And tell me everything about your holiday in your next letter. I can’t wait!

Love ya,


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