A Strange Birthday for Mike

One morning, Mike woke up and brushed his teeth. He had his breakfast. He heard a different sound. He didn’t get scared because he was alone at home. He walked to work.

He looked at the park, and there weren’t any children. He looked at the road, and there weren’t any cars. When he got to work, his friends didn’t talk to him. His friends didn’t even look at him. Normally, today was Mike’s birthday, but both his friends and Mike himself had forgotten.

Mike decided to go home. While he was walking home, he saw an old lady pulling a shopping bag. Mike noticed this, but he didn’t do anything. He went home. At home, he saw a bird, but the bird was hungry. He looked at the bird but didn’t do anything. He closed the window.

Mike had his dinner. Then the doorbell rang. He opened the door and saw his friends, but he closed the door in their faces. After that, he brushed his teeth, went to bed, and slept.

At night, he talked to himself: “I don’t feel anything, but why?”

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