The Lesser You Know the Better

Does information make people upset? The answer to this question really depends on who you are and what you expect to find out by the information.

Expected information has a very large range. For example you could just be looking up facts about the periodic table on the internet for a project. This usually isn’t the type of information which makes people upset. The type of information that makes people upset is finding out something that you weren’t meant to know such as learning that a person who you thought was your friend for years actually talked bad about you behind your back or betrayed you in some other form. Like one day you could just be at their house and they get a message from one of their friends which says something bad about you but they aren’t in the room so you’re the only person who sees that message. This is the type of information that makes people upset. I mean who would want to know that a person they trusted and thought was their friend was just lying?

A quote which I really like and kind of has a similar meaning with this is from Maxim Gorky. He said, “The lesser you know, the better you’ll sleep.”.  In conclusion I do think that knowing more information makes people upset. But more specifically information that they weren’t supposed to know makes them sad.

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