The Legend Of A Monster

Firstly, I need to say that I don’t really believe in legends but I am interested ın legends. Sometimes ı search about legends because peoples tell an legend and when ı hear that I am being really confused in a way i think that legends are so logical but in an other way i think that it is just an nonsense thing. Before ı start writing this article I search about a legend of Turkey but ı can’t find anything that ı love so ı decided to write about the city when I was born. Van, I stay in Van for five years and ı really heard the legend of Van Lake Monster, when ı heard that storys ı was scaring because of ı was kid. We were going to lake and swim there before I heard that storys. After ı listen that legends ı start to don’t want to swim in there. Actually I search about it and I learn that actually it is not an legend. In 1889 the monster was known. Those who claim to have seen it say that it is like 15 meters long and it has a pretty dark  color. It followed by biologists at Cambridge Universty but they told that they can’t find anything realistic in Van Lake so for like 26 years the legend just lost its reality. After a long time in 2016 someone dead in lake for an unknown reason. After that incident people start to search the monster again.

One week later someone who is a student in Van Yüzüncü Yıl University sad that he saw the monster and take a video of it. When the biologists saw that video, they were confused because when they search about iy they find somethings that confirming the monster but they can’t see the actual monster because of it they just closed this and don’t want to open again. For six years no research is done. Also people continues to say  that they see the monster but it would be absurd to believe to peoples. Now everyone thinks that it is just an legend and they go and swim in lake but ı am thinking that it can be real, maybe it is not living wright now but I belive that it was a real story.

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