The Immortality Curse

 It was a rainy afternoon and I was working in my laboratory. I had been working on the poison of immortality for as long as I can remember but each attempt led me to become more hopeless. During these many years I had spoken to many other alchemists who had been able to reach immortality but none of their suggestions helped me reach my goal. I was stirring my tube patiently while thinking to myself about all things possible when I become an immortal. 

 My window was open since the smell of the poison was unbearable. As I turned back I saw a flash of light shining in my back and turned around to see my poison coming alife. I took the poison off the heat and waited a few minutes for it to cool down. I injected it into my veins and from that moment on I knew that my life had changed forever. I was immortal!

 In my years of being alive I encountered countless adventures, witnessed many illnesses, wars and gerifed many lives. An immortal life wich seemed to be an amazing life turned to be an endless torture. 

 On a daily basis I got up, ate, read books, went to my favorite cafe and came back home to question my life only to sleep and wake up the next morning. I did not have to work considering I had years of savings, besides, if I needed more money it would be easy to find a job considering I have over 40 degrees which I had gotten across the span of my life. 

  Although having the same routine can be boring to lots of people I quite enjoyed it. The hardest part of being immortal was losing people, things and places you love. I guess I forgot to mention this but since becoming immortal myself I have been trying to redo the poison to possibly help others. None of my attempts were successful. Other than doing the things I mentioned before I also worked on the poison. 

 One thay when I was at the cafe I saw a familiar face. A girl who I had seen many years ago… I decided to talk to her so I approached her and started talking to her. She remembered me and turned out she was one of the many alchemists I had spoken to while preparing my first immortality poison. That day we spoke like we had known each other for years and turners out, I was not so lonely afterall.

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