Treasure chest isolated on white background


I was reading a book called “What Should I Do”. It was a book to get tips about life. When I got to the 120th page, I saw a number written in handwriting. It looked very rushed like the person had quickly written it and ran away. It seemed to be some kind of coordinates. The next page gave another coordinate. And this kept going until I had 13 different coordinates. I decided to go to every one of those coordinates to see what it was. So, I hopped in my car and started driving to those locations. The first one was in a forest in front of a small cave entrance. There was a piece of paper on the ground telling me to go into the cave. I listened and found a World War One dated ammo box with a compass and a piece of paper. The paper said that after going to the second coordinate I should go west and keep walking until I hear a wolf howl. So, I went to the second location and went west until I heard the wolf howl. The paper in front of me said that I should go to all of the locations left and get all the numbers, put them in order that I found the locations and a new location would form. So, I went to every location left, then went to the location formed by the numbers. In that location there was a casette tape and a casette player. It told me one last location and to go into the building to my west. By the time I got there, it was midnight. I went into the building to my west and inside was a treasure chest, a key and a note that said “Congratulations! You have beaten the world’s hardest treasure hunt. Here is your prize.”. The treasure chest was filled to the brim with gold and jewels. I carried it back to my car and brought it home. That day, I became a billionaire.

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