The Great Wall Summery

Summary of the Plot: “The Great Wall,” directed by Zhang Yimou, is an ambitious action-adventure film . Two men named Tovar an William came from Europe to Asia to look for gunpowder,but they were ambushed by looters.When they took shelter in a cave to escape, they thought they were still among the looters, but they were wrong.This thing was a creature that came out of a meteor that fell to the earth 100 years ago, and because of that creature,William and Tovar  lost their men, and on top of that, the looters found them and started chasing them. This adventure was perset.While the two friends were running away, a huge wall appeared in front of them and they were thrown into the dungeon by the soldiers there, but here they learned that the aliens were not the only ones who saw it. They built this wall to protect themselves from aliens and a large army of aliens formed every 60 years. It is waiting to attack a repetition. They named those aliens Tao Tei. This movie tells how these two friends fight against the aliens.

Performances: Matt Damon delivers a solid performance as William, portraying a character torn between self-interest and a growing sense of duty. Pedro Pascal provides good comic relief as Tovar, adding a layer of charm and funny secens to the film. they performance were vey good.

Cinematography and Direction: Zhang Yimou’s direction ıt was pretty good and extraordinary.The cinematography by Seung-chul Choi is breathtaking, with sweeping shots of the Great Wall and dynamic battle sequences that are both very succsseful.

Special Effects: The special effects are impressive, particularly in the design of the Tao Tie and in the battel sceane it was so realistic because of the CGI technology.

Personal Opinion:My opinion about this movie is definitely positive. The movie is very entertaining and full of tension scenes. I definetly recommed it.

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