The Future

It was a sunny day as always and it was time for my coffee as usual. I called, he didn’t hear me. I knew he was cleaning his metals. I went to his room, I asked him to make my coffee. Ten minuets later he came in to the room with a full cup of coffee.I took a sip from my coffee and thanks him .”your welcome”his sad”I’m at your service”. I am working until nights at my office plus living lone and all the home works are very hard for me .I cant do all the things all alone.

So I want to by a robot like every one. İn 2030 year most of the people haves robots in their homes and offices .They makes our life easy all the time. And the people do not have  robot are mostly scientists or the people that listens the scientists. The scientists tell robots can kill us 2 or 3 year later maybe more early than that. So they are scared from them and they mostly live in the city that just  few robot lived.But I personally think that the robots are very useful for us.

Imagine they even do your homework and they do their chores and even the laundry. Maybe one day these scientists will be right, but for now, robots are a part of life and you have to get used to it.

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