The Food Crisis Controversy

We are humans. Or that’s what we call ourselves. Regardless of what we call ourselves its apparent that, we just like other living beings require supplements to survive. Animals in our world archive that by hunting or harvesting aka eating whichever food they can digest. Whit that said, we humans totally defy the way of survival thru sheer intelligence. We singlehandedly menged to infest the world and dominate its creatures. The question is can we outsmart starvation?

That may have come a little confusing. Outsmarting starvation? Well, we as humans are kind of humongous in numbers as a result of reproductive activities over our time on planet Earth. We are like a LOT of people! So that should come as no surprise that we started exhausting the world of its supplementary contents. Even though that’s not happening any time soon, let’s just theorize if it that can even happen. One of the most common theories about starvation and the one I will be talking about is genetically crafted food.

The following theory is us relying on and ONLY on genetically modified food to survive under the circumstances and I am not talking about making the food taste better. Its about new ways of creating food not altering with it. Well I strait up disagree as I do think that the human intelligence is grown beyond that. And I am not referring to another technology. I believe that you and I will continue to eat as we do today. As this planet starts to crumble I believe that we would be long gone out of it. Either perishing or living long enough to find shelter and to be not stupid to save at least plants. Sure we might come across revolutionary breakthroughs to what we eat but if we are able to do that there is no controversy that we will take countermeasures. To clarify I would not say I fully embrace this idea because I wish to not think that the human race will oversee such a big problem in the future.

The solving this issue is just as easy as thinking about it. Why develop a totally different type of nutrient production method when what you have in hand is just fine? Normal plants are the ultimate key to this. I am most certain that the mind that came up with the very idea of scientifically engineered food will surely know to take fallbacks and protect what is already perfect unless the advantages of said food overcome the current…

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