The First Day

It was the first day of the school. Sadie was going to start 1th grade. She was so excited but also scared. She took the first step to the school bus and took a deep breath. “I can do this” she whispered to herself. She sat one of the chairs and waited the bus to arrive the school.

She got next to her class and stopped. She wasn’t sure to get inside but she gathered herself and went in. There was just a pretty woman sitting next of a big smartboard. The woman smiled. She said ” I’m your new teacher, my name is Mrs. Laura and you should be Sadie am I correct?” Sadie was frozen. ” Ye-yes, my name is Sadie” she said. She stopped for a moment and continued “But I want to go back to home!”. “Don’t cry, honey,” said Mrs. Laura “you sure? Give us a chance, wait for one lesson. If you think the same, I’ll let you to call your mom.”. Sadie thought that this is a great idea, and accept it.

After one lesson, she had great friends and enjoyed this 40-minute lesson. She decided to stay and had a great first day.

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