The Family Secret

Last week I made a huge discovery in our house which we live ever since I could remember. Also since I was born my grandfather lives in our house. However I have never questioned why he lives with us since last monday. I just thought that he was still sad because he lost my grandmother who I have never met. But somethings changed on last monday and I asked my dad why he lives with us. Didn’t he have somewhere to stay, didn’t he want to be alone or was he still sad? But I couldn’t get the answer I was expecting. He just said somethings to pass me of. That made me even more curious about the situation. I asked the same question to my big brtoher and my mom but all of them were giving the same answer. After all these I decided to enlighten this myself.Because of we live in the same house for a very long time a decided to question our neighbours.  After that I went to talk with Mr. Heller who was as old as my grandfather was his freind from the war years which they fought together against enemies. I talked to him for a long time and even helped him for his houseworks he refused to answer my question. However he suggested me to investigate our house especially the places where my grandfather spends time the most. This lit a light in my head and after thanking to Mr. Heller I ran to house immediately and asked my mom if there is anyone in the basement. After I learned it was empty I ran to the basement. Because of I always read books in basement nobody wondered why I asked the question. There was an old trunk which I always lean my back. I knew my question was hidden in it. Our family secrets were hidden in the trunk in the basement of our house. When I opened the trunk, I learned things that completely changed my outlook on life. I found some old photos, military clothes and a old pocket watch. There was a bullet on the middle of the watch and  the bullet was absolutely matching the bullet hole on the military shirt. About the photos there was a young pretty women which I know was my grandma. While I was looking at the photo my grandpa came in and understood the situation. He said he got shot during war but the watch my grandma gifted to him saved his life however my grandma who was a doctor at military died because of a bomb thrown to the hospital where our house is now. After learning the true story I felt something inside me and that totally changed my life. After that I always respected my grandfather and never ever talked about that topic.

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