The Effects of Knowledge

Many people have the notion that the more one knows, the more they lose joy. This is not entirely untrue. Knowledge, especially that which is unpleasant, can cause a sense of hopelessness and push people off of a cliff into the darkness. For example, in a situation where we get lied to, as long as it doesn’t affect our life too negatively, it might be better for us to be unaware of this lie for the sake of not losing our relationship with the person who lied to us. I could give many more examples where the truth is not better than the lie.

But does this mean that we should avoid learning more? I would argue for the opposite. The bittersweet nature of knowledge and truth should be the reason why we seek it. In a universe where our eyes are covered by the uncertainties of nature, running after a more comprehensive understanding of our existence and place in the bigger picture is one of the aspects of our species which has been with us for the longest. Its roots go so deep that even people from ancient civilizations looked up at the stars, wandering about them, seeking answers…So why should we deny ourselves of something that is so clearly a crucial part of us? While it is true that knowledge doesn’t always bring happiness, I believe it brings something much more important, which is inner peace.

However, we also need to consider the way our minds tend to be unable to cope with the feelings of existential crisis and unimportance that come with the pursuit of knowledge. We are extremely prone to losing ourselves, even our humanity, feeling like less than what we should be, feeling worthless and even dwelling in self-hatred. These are signs that we are only human and that we are flawed. They are normal. Perhaps we could say it is the curse of humans to be so intelligent yet still so weak, and perhaps we are meant to suffer the pain of truth because living a life of lies is not in our nature. I believe the only real way to reach peace is to seek and accept the truth, because when we do not, we are defying ourselves.

In conclusion, the idea that “Knowledge makes people unhappy.” isn’t false, but it is not entirely true either. We should never give up trying to learn more in order to be comfortable, because sometimes real happiness is in the rewards of enduring the discomfort. It is in finding inner peace.


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