The Dream

My Dearest Friend Ellie,

I know you hate me when I call you like this but being my best friend is not an easy thing. I hope you are doing just fine like when I left you in our hometown. You did not call me since I told my opinions about your recent boyfriend. I am sorry but he is not the guy that you deserve. Whatever, we can talk this later. Right now I need to tell you about my dream last night because that was remarkable and I wanted it to be real.

Do you remeber the movie that we watch last year. There was a genie who was stuck in a golden lamp. I know you remember so that genie was in my dream last night and guess what I had three wishes. Like everbody else first thing that came on my mind was to wish for more wishes but that was forbidden by my dream genie. You were that genie by the way that is why I am writing this e-mail. Maybe you can make my wishes come true.

First thing I want is of course money, limitless money. With all that money you and I can make a world tour. I promise if you can make this we can go wherever you want first. I can see your face right now cause you made the same face in the dream also. That is your ‘’You can see this only in your dreams!’’ face. That is okay we can talk about this face by face.

Second thing is speed. I wanted to be flash. ‘’I am the fastest girl alive!’’ you know how much I like flash but that is not the only reason of course. If I am going to have limitless money I need time to spend that money with you of course because you are going to make me the flash. I know that is an easy thing to do so you can deal with it.

Actually at the beginning I wanted to wish to delete the rule that says wish for more wishes is forbidden but I scared to lose my first wish for nothing so I did not want to leave it to chance.

The last thing I want is food. For example when I think of a food or when I see a food on instagram I will be able to eat it at that time at that second at that moment or whenever I want. Tha last wish was my favourite actually.

I do not know how I could thing perfectly even in my dreams but that is me so we shoul not be so suprised. I have missed you so much. I hope we can see each other in a short time, I hope you CALL ME in a short time.

Take good care of yourself.


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