The diffrence between the city and the countryside

I would personally rather to live more in the countryside instead of the cityside. There are a few reasons for this but the biggest difference for me is the pollution or in other words how clean it is. There is light pollution air pollution it’s everywhere in the cityside since there is alot of people living there the pollution is just abundant. Also there it’s just easier to live in the countryside because of the housing prices. Even though most people would rather live in the city instead of the countryside I still feel like the better option  to go with here is the countryside.

I would also like to go over the issues of the countryside and the cityside together since they both have their pros cons. I’ll start of with the countryside first. The only issue that could possibly cause a problem is the distance between your house and where you work since some people live in the countryside but work in the city and have to pay extra for all the fuel they burn on the way there. But this issue can easily be overlooked by just using public transport or just working closer to where they live. And the city is a diffrent story, the living conditions are poor since the overpopulation causes more issues with finding housing and good housing even.

The second problem the overpopulation would cause is getting around the place. Public transportation is pretty hard since they are all mostly packed and full, even with your own car there will be alot of traffic so it’s turns out to be the same situation as public transportation. Both of them have their pros and cons but the city issues can’t be overlooked that can’t be fixed as easily as the countrysides issues. So thats why I would like to live in the countryside instead of the cityside since it would cause me less issues in the long run. And just give me better living conditions than the city. Even though some of the working opportunities might be lost in the countryside its still better than living in the city long term. Since the minimal money loss won’t effect me since I would be happier living in the countryside. So in conclusion thats why I would want to live alot more in the countryside instead because of the living conditions compared to the city life.

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