The Decision

What if can we change our past,or what if can we see our future?Would you rather change your past or have ability to see your future?Thats our question.

We make decisions for contolling our life.Some of the decisions maybe can be bad but they make us new ways to live.You can see a lot of us need to make hard decisions sometimes.For an example you are in a basketball match,last minutes and you are up by two points would you try to make a 3 pointer or play safe.In that position if you try to make the harder one and score you can win the game easily but if you cant score you have a chance to lose it.But if there is a way to see future and make decisions.If there is a way to do that that game will be win more easily.And in the history there is a lot of moment which have a bad returns.If we have an ability to see the future we can have some precautions for earthquakes maybe.And if we have precautions there is no story that finish with disasters.You can make a perfecy life for you if you have ability to see future and thats can make us perfect.But how about changing our past?For an example if Vlademir Putin sees the returns of the Ukraine war do you think he is going to start the war.I dont thinks so.But the difference about seeing the future and changing the past ,when you have an skill that changing your past you need to first see the disaster to invert it.After the disaster you may not have an opportunity invert i would rather have an skill which is seeing the future and have an clampdown early.

So we dont have any skills like that in our life but double think your decisions before bringing to the life.

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