The Cursed Love of the Birthday Candles

It was a cold winter night, and the wind howled through the empty streets of Moscow. The snowflakes fell slowly from the sky, creating a white blanket over the city. I sat alone in my small apartment, surrounded by the flickering flames of the candles on my table. It was my birthday, but I had no one to celebrate it with. As I blew out the candles, a sudden gust of wind blew through the window, extinguishing them all at once. I sat in the darkness, shivering and alone. But then, I heard a faint sound, like a whisper in the wind. It was a voice, soft and gentle, but it filled the room with an eerie presence. I looked around, but there was no one there. I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard the voice again, this time more distinct. It spoke in Russian, but I could not understand the words. It was as if the voice was speaking in a language that only my heart could understand. Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright light. I shielded my eyes and looked up to see a figure standing before me. It was a woman, with long, flowing hair and a pale, delicate face. She wore a white dress that shimmered in the light, and her eyes were like two sparkling jewels.
“Who are you?” I asked, my voice trembling with fear. The woman smiled, and her voice was like music.
“I am the spirit of the candles,” she said. “I have come to grant you a wish on your birthday.”
I was taken aback. I had never heard of such a thing before. “What kind of wish?” I asked. The woman’s smile grew wider.
“Any wish you desire,” she said. “But remember, every wish has a price.” I thought for a moment, considering my options. What did I want more than anything in the world? And what was I willing to pay for it? “I wish for love,” I said finally.
“I wish for someone to share my life with, someone who will love me for who I am.” The woman nodded, and a strange energy filled the room.
I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins, and I knew that my wish had been granted. But as the woman disappeared, I felt a sudden weight on my chest. It was a feeling of dread, of fear and uncertainty. What had I done? What price would I have to pay for my wish? For days, I waited, hoping for a sign of the love that I had wished for. But nothing happened. I went about my daily routine, feeling no different than before. And then, on the seventh day, I met her. She was a beautiful woman, with dark hair and eyes that sparkled like diamonds. We met by chance, in a small café in the heart of the city. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing. And as the night wore on, I realized that I was in love with her. But as we parted ways, I felt a sense of unease. Something was not right. It was as if there was a barrier between us, something that kept us apart. I could not explain it, but I knew that my wish had come with a price.
Over the next few weeks, I tried to ignore the feeling of unease. I spent all my time with her, hoping that our love would overcome whatever obstacle stood in our way. But it was not to be. One day, as we walked through the snow-covered streets, I felt a sudden pain in my chest. It was as if something was tearing me apart from the inside.

– Yağız Erkam Çelebi

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