In these days we do have so much problem just like the human rights, animal rights, woman rights, LGBTQ+ rights, children rights. Everyone acts like they are trying to solve these but the things they do are not really effective. The thing is I think we should go for that first, why aren’t they effective? Is it just because people are not trying that hard to end it or else?

On the agenda we have woman rights presently, so what is this about inside the topic? Even nowadays woman can not educate. We are in the 21th century, people developed but it is not enough for a big change. More than half of the world is trying to change this disturbing situation and of course man are include. This is called feminism not radical feminism. What is radical feminism? Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical re-ordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts, while recognizing that women’s experiences are also affected by other social divisions such as in race, class, and sexual orientation. If I controlled the world this situation would end easily because it is mostly about the father and ignorant mother also a brother. There is a phase like “That is how we saw and that is how we grew.” but no, that is not really like that. One should improve oneself and this is called personal development. If they can not develop themselves maybe they should pay in another way, even with death. When a person cuts someones rights that person commits offense.

In some countries they still have execution so If nothing can stop this maybe execution can. That people can be a potential criminal just because they take away people rights. Criminals should be punished so this would be the way I’d go for, not to kill most of the people, It is just for the peace. I wish everyone mind their own business. And lastly “ALL PEOPLE MATTERS.”

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