The classroom was alive with the students still moving around, refusing the finishing of the break, giving teachers a hard time. Everybody was filled with energy and motivation to get through the day. It was a sunny morning where you could see the beam lights entering the class by the windows, which were wide open because of the extreme heat. Sunlight was enlightening the white desk, making them shine like glass, making it hard to recognise that they were made of worn wood that once everybody left their mark on it.
At the right corner of the class, from the students’ perspectives, there was a teacher’s desk. This desk was not as bright as the student’s desk due to the lack of attention given to it by the teachers, who were just there to teach the students something new for the day that could hook up their attention. But there was something in the class that always had the attention on it, even when nobody was working with it. Whiteboard! Every minute it gets covered with something more interesting, making it hard to forget. The sound of the board markers was a hint of a serious upcoming lesson.
On the other hand, even though all the seats were occupied for the lesson, we could understand from the student’s faces and body language that their mind was occupied with something else. Who knows what they are? Maybe the love of their lives or exams awaiting them. There were students who were hanging from their chairs, causing a very high-pitched screeching of the sounds besides the noises of the chewing sounds coming from the ones who eat in the class, causing a distinctive odour that is not appreciated by anyone. Not to forget the chit-chatting students in the back of the class who act always like they are very innocent, not breaking any rules, like they are not giggling all the time.
There was always one or two pieces of paper left alone in the middle of class, disowned by the owner, waiting to be realised till there was an exam about it. And what if there is no exam in the upcoming days? Ending inside the rubbish bin. But before that, it was dragged around under the student’s shoes and a light breeze from the window. Besides the dragged paper on the ground, you could hear the noise of tearing fresh pages from the notebooks to be used. Suddenly scratching of pens filled the classroom, and all the other noises causing trouble ended. You could see the rush of the teacher as the crackling voice coming from the board got louder.
Eventually all the tempo that held the classroom up started to slow down. It was now more silent and relaxed. Not much echoing of sounds coming from chairs scraping back all around the class. The reason for that was that students were waiting for the break time to come as soon as possible. Finally, after 15 minutes of clock tick-tocking, the teacher stood by the door, announcing that the break time had started. Just in seconds, the classroom was empty as the students ran in a hurry to get out of the class to spend free time with their friends.
Now the whiteboard lost all of its attention to the hallway for a short while. The voice was so loud that nobody could imagine filling up the walls. It was hard to hear your own voice while the class was waiting for its students quietly and peacefully. The classroom always has a more normal environment, which could discipline the students, unlike the hallway, which drives them crazy. Four walls surround people hosting them all day long and stand to their mess.