The Christmas Gift

There was a small town far, far away where no one went. This town was at the foot of a mountain. Happy, cheerful people were living there. The kids were able to go everywhere at this town. The whole villagers knew each other. It was the middle of December. So everyone was preparing for Christmas. They were decorating their house with colourful lights, putting some ornaments on their tree and hanging socks on the fireplace. Than they were baking cookies for their neighbours.

There was a boy who lives in that town. He had black hair and light brown eyes. His name was Jake. He was 15-year-old. He was living with his mom and little sister. His father was not living with them, he was an architecture at Denmark. That’s why Jake was trying to help his mother with earning money. He was helping to the barber or doing babysitting for Mrs. Jenna.

One day he was going to school and saw a truck at next of their house. Someone was moving  next to their house. Jake was confused a little bit. But then he nevermined it. When he went to school there was a new girl at his class. Her name was Alice. She had orange hair, freckles and hazel eyes. She was wearing a shirt and skirt with boots. Jake had never seen a person like she. He understood that she was the new neighbour. After school end they were walking together to home and suddenly it started to snow again. And they decided to do snowball fight. After they had fun Jake told to Alice that he needs to go to Mrs. Jenna’s house. Alice was wondering who was Jenna and why he was going there because the time was too late for going somewhere. She asked:

-why you are going? You said our houses were abreast.

-oh, I am going there for helping Mrs. Jenna, she has a baby and when I look her she gives me money. So I can help my family.

– I think you should go after drink our hot chocolate.Image result for Christmas village how the grinch stole christmas | Filmes de natal, Wallpaper natal, Ideias de natal

Then he said okay. While they were drinking their drinks Alice’s dog was playing with its ball around them. They were talking about why Alice had come to here. Her mother was sick and doctor told them she needs to live a healthy life. Alice “ I wish I could do magic. And heal her.” said. Jake was sorry about it, he gave her a hug. After all of these they were happy cause both of them had found a new good friend. They thought they were each others Christmas gifts.

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