The Change of the Black Eye

It was a cold Sunday morning and he was sleepless like every day. After a long time, he went to the doctor. He wanted to solve his insomnia problem. The doctor said that he should take a natural sleep and advised him to drink chamomile tea and linden. But after trying for days nothing happened. It was the same every day. Take a shower, get dressed, go to work, come back home and repeat. He had a fear of death but was praying that a truck would run over him on his way home. He wasn’t really asleep, and he wasn’t really awake. While he was messing with his thoughts he suddenly remembered that he should go to buy chamomile tea.

Part of his mind says stay at home, stop trying chamomile tea, it doesn’t change anything, another part says that he should apply what the doctor recommends. He barely got out of bed and headed to the market. The weather was gray hazy and cloudy. There was a death silence on the road. There was no one in the streets but a few beggars. Everybody was happy and warm in their houses. He thought about those baggers. “Life is hard” he told to himself. He arrived to the market and a employee greeted him. The reason of that greet was not about being friendly it is about the person you greet is less likely to steal something from you he thought. He smiled to the employee and then looked for chamomile tea. It was a hard deal to find chamomile tea because markets could not make much money. He couldn’t find the tea so he looked for linden which is more commen than chomomile tea. While he was searching he saw a book named “Don’t… don’t budge an inch!”. The title of the book seemed strange to him, so he got curious and started reading the summary. The book was about a change of a guy who has a insominia problem.

He bought some linden and the book. He was quite excited. He went to home and started to read the book. As he read, he realized that the character and himself were really alike. That night he finished that book and started to question his life and choices. With great determination he said “I will change”


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