In every moment we live during the day, in every subject we think, in every second we spend, our intelligence and mind play an important role.  This is  so normal for us from birth to death that we don’t realize how many thoughts go through our brains a day. This is how we direct our lifestyle and personal characteristics and reflect ourselves to the environment with our intelligence. Intelligence is an element that varies from person to person. Is this evidence that intelligence is genetic? Or is intelligence influenced by environmental factors?

Genetically, each of us has traits that he or she has inherited from our parents. According to research of scientists, 75% of the intelligence we have comes from the family genetically. That is, there is a high level of relationship between an individual’s own intelligence and the intelligence of our parents. When looked at, there is a difference of 25%. This rate is the proportion of factors that affect people from the outside. In other words, environmental factors. We can say that this is basically the answer to the question we are asking. Yes, intelligence is genetic. What about the mind?

Babies begin to perceive and recognize things, especially their mother and father, about 4 months after they are born. In fact, the baby begins to add something to his intelligence without realizing it during this time. Intelligence develops gradually, and this continues until puberty. We can call this development, which is faster especially in infancy, mind. The baby does not acquire intelligence, it acquires mind. Of course, there are factors that affect growth as well as factors that affect the development of intelligence (mind): Good nutrition, language learning, regular sleep, intelligence games, etc. In fact, every useful information gained during the development process is stored in the brain for future use, and the earlier this situation is experienced, the more useful it becomes. To mention puberty, playing instruments, reading books, traveling and discovering new places contribute to intelligence rather than spending time with electronic devices such as phones, tablets and computers.

Long story short, we can say that our personal characteristics, thoughts and behaviors, our choices, and our usage of intelligence depend on environmental factors, but the same is not true for the level of intelligence. Intelligence is an innate ability, and mind is the ability to use it. As some people say, mind, not intelligence, keeps us in the foreground.

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