The Best Invention: Phone

Technology is developing at a very astonishing speed. Throughout the technology’s developing process many inventions were made. Every invention facilitates our daily life, but I believe that the phone’s invention completely changed our way of living.

Phones have a vital impact on people’s lives. If Graham Bell hadn’t invented phones, many of us would not have heard our relatives’ voices living far from us. Furthermore, phones developed very fast. While the first phones could only be used for calls, current phones have many features other than making calls. We can now send messages to people and take photos. In addition, we can now use phones for entertainment by playing games.

Today, companies are competing to produce the best phone. Every year, we see different brands producing better quality and more developed phones. With these new features, people tend to get more addicted to their phones. You may encounter many videos on Youtube about people making challenges to stay without their phones for a particular time. However, they can’t find anything to do and this demonstrates that phones have been involved in our lives and that you can’t substitute them with any other activity. Even if you can manage to do it, it would not last so long.

Phones also increased the speed to reach information. Now, to obtain information we don’t need dictionaries or books. So, phones avoid wasting time. Moreover, phones can improve our language skills. You can download many apps teaching specific languages and these apps may offer you listening, reading, and writing practising activities. There are also apps that enable you to speak to native speakers. You can acquire the same information by using tablets and computers too but phones are more useful because they can be easily carried.

Phones have another benefit of connecting the world. We can now learn what’s going on between countries, important events, and news such as crimes, wars, etc. Although phones are already offering us many features, I would want phones to emit a fragrant smell when we search for the word “flower”. On the other hand, for the word “garbage”, I would want the phone to emit a malodorous smell. In other words, I’d want phones to support the images with more things, offering us to sense the word by not only using our sight sense.

In a nutshell, phones have been breakthroughs in our lives. From information access to having calls, it facilitates our lives. However, I think that phones should be improved to fit all of our senses.

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