It’s October 23, 2033, and that day has finally arrived. The internet was cut off all over the world. There is no chaos for the moment, I will keep you informed day by day. October 24, 2033. The Internet is still out and does not seem to come. There is electricity, but without internet, only appliances like vacuum cleaners work and people are getting bored. October 25, 2033. President of the term made a statement. In his statement, he mentioned that the internet will never come again, but people still have hope. Street games started to be played again and we met people we had never seen before. October 26, 2033 Since the trains are running, we can continue our work, but since the children cannot use the tablets at school, an indefinite holiday has been decided in education. It’s snowing and that’s normal. Even nature is not good these last years. It’s snowing in October, I guess global warming has increased or nature is doing the wrong things. 27 October 2033, the world ministry of health warned that the test results could not be reached because there was no internet and warned them not to be sick. People reminded me of the covid periods of my childhood. Everyone wears masks, myself included. I guess we humans love to hide behind that mask, like we hide problems instead of solving them. October 28, 2033, people have accepted that the internet will not come and new business resources have emerged. Influencers are over, now agriculture and animal husbandry has started again. Today’s children even see what a tree is now, whereas in my childhood, the first thing we saw and drew was the tree. 29 October 2033 Republic Day came and no show was prepared. There was only a march by soldiers. October 30, 2033 We are nearing the end of October and as humans we are afraid. How will our life continue?

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