That day was actually a usual one, but a little important. “If today’s site promotion conference goes well, I will be able to get promoted.” Anyway, that day I got up as usual, dressed, had my breakfast and started walking towards my car. My day was going well until then, but when someone parked their car right next to my car, I literally turned red with anger. Fortunately, the owner of the car came within five minutes and saved me from waiting for the tow truck to arrive, but when that man came, I told him everything that came to my mind. I said rude, random stuff. Then I got in my car and went to work. By the way, our architectural office has two partners, one of whom is Azra Hanım, and the other one is unknown. Anyway, I finished my work today and left early to get ready. In the evening, I went to the venue where the conference would be held and when the conference started, I was called to the podium. To make the speech, I went up to the podium with applause, just as I was about to start talking, I saw the man who parked the car of the morning person next to me. Then I gave my speech and asked who the man was, and when the man said I am the middle of this company, I wished that the ground had been split and I had entered the ground. Fortunately, I still got my promotion and now both partners of the company are known.
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