That Black Scarf

He looked at the chair he was sitting in before he left the door. He saw that a shadow very similar to him was sleeping there. He tried to rub his eyes to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. His hands slipped out of his face. His brain was overwhelmed, he began to feel dizzy. He looked again at the shadow before him, now the shadow was in its place, and himself in the chair was snoring loudly. It was as if his shadow had swapped with him; Slowly he himself reached the floor, obeying the snoring of the silhouette on the chair, and fell asleep with his hands on the pillow.

He woke up suddenly with a loud voice he heard. He had not been able to identify the source of this sound and had never experienced the pain he felt after he was unconscious. She noticed that her legs were broken at the same time. The screws from the wooden chair next to him had been unscrewed, leaving the chair’s legs to rot, covered in blood at the other end of the room. Mosquitoes in the room were rising and descending on these pieces of wood. Even though his legs were broken, he was able to overcome the pain and made himself a pair of sticks from the remaining parts of the chair. Although it was very difficult to walk using both arms, he was much stronger and larger than a normal person. Although he advanced slowly, he finally managed to reach the door. He leaned one shoulder against the wall and slowly turned the doorknob with his hand. He must have forgotten that the door opened to the outside when he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. As if breaking his two legs was not enough, he also sprained his left ankle. Realizing that he couldn’t use the sticks anymore he had made, he dragged himself with his remaining right arm towards the phone at the end of the corridor. He tried to reach for the phone with his last remaining strength. The pain he felt as he raised his arm caused him to swing his arm quickly, and the phone on the table fell over his head.

Everything was suddenly white. The man woke up from where he was lying in fear. He found himself lying on the floor in the room he had just left. All he had seen and experienced was a nightmare. There was a black scarf on the chair opposite him. He was very cold. He took the scarf and put it around his neck, and made himself a cup of coffee for some relief.

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