After a long day of moving all the stuff inside from the rude driver’s truck. It was finally over, everything was inside but everywhere was so messed up and needed a detailed cleaning that if someone took one step inside you could be able to glaze through through all the grains of dust floating around trying to decide where to descend in slow motion. However, if the landlords of the house called some kind of cleaning service to get everything to look spotless then the house would look even better than it already did. It was a pink, gigantic house that I’ve never seen have even one duplicate anywhere else than this one specific house. 5 days later, when the cleaning service was finally done wandering around and doing nothing for the last few days, i was finally heading towards the door to send them straight to their own house instead of ours. As i was going straight towards the door i couldn’t help but to notice a small painting of a girl with ocean blue eyes hanging freely in the corner of the wall. It was a wholesome painting, as i kept looking all i wanted to do was to just perish and be in the depth of those beautiful eyes… I forgot about the cleaning service and finally snapped out of my dream as fast as possible and kept walking, after we arrived at the door i quickly sent them and took a fast glance to see the painting again. But as my eyes moved around like googly eyes trying to find the painting with excitement. The realization suddenly hit me, it, wasn’t there?…

That Beautiful Painting
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