Testing Drugs On Animals

While testing our drugs or other products that we use, for example makeup products or skincare products, some of the brands test their drugs or products on live animals. In my opinion

this is really wrong. Why should those poor animals die or get sick for our drugs or any of our other products?

In my opinion this is not fair, this is a really bad thing, we are literally torturing animals. We need to find other testing methods for our drugs or our other products. Cause animals don’t have to be our test subjects.

How can we prevent this animal hostile situation? When buying drugs or makeup  products you should research whether the product you buy has been tested on animals and buy it accordingly. So with this way the brands that test their drugs or products on animals can not earn too much money.

Also we should protest these brands so they can’t make money. And we should share the names of these brands with other people.

Now let’s talk about how those drug brands test their medicines on the animals. These drugs are tested by creating artificial symptoms on animals. By looking at the condition of the animals after the application, it is observed whether this drug has the same effect on humans. But sadly the results after this procedure do not contain clear information.

To summarize I can say that the use of animals while testing drugs, or makeup products and skincare products is so wrong and sad. Those brands who use animals while testing their products should be protested and they should be prevented from making money.

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